Good discussion about different aspects of disability in dentistry
this was a really informative presentation for disability awareness in dentistry
Excellent talk as I have a son who has autism and non verbal so this truly opened up a lot for myself
very interestingmade me think in another way
very good
good points I would not have thought about
Great insights into a really important aspect of patient care
very informative
Wonderful to hear from peers about their experiences.
very informative
The experts and testimonials are correct to achieve the objective of the course.
I am diagnosed, neurodivergent personally and rake medication to be able to cope. This course brought together multiple disabilities and how these are viewed by a large proportion of the society . The section on paraolympics resonated greatly as most people focus on the disability rather than the sport . The media I learnt also promote this.9
so important
So intersting to have a varied lineup with such honesty and clarity on the message.
Enjoyed watching the video and listening to the different stories.
good refresher
huge subject, well delivered
As a mother of a child with SEND I found this really fantastic. Thank you.
very informative
very informative
Very informative. Enjoyed watching all the presenter, very interesting and excellent life circumstances to share.
Really inspiring.
I feel I understand how the correct way to understand and help people with disabilities is. How to be more helpful to them.
How disability’s are not always seen to take time to listen and more awareness of dyslexia dysbraxia dysgraphia and autusm
very interesting.
Very informative and personal experiences expressed
Really enjoyed the various speakers with personal experiences and their own stories.
Good to see that we may have unconscious preconceived discrimination and how to avoid doing so
Really enjoyable and informative. Providing practical insights and appreciation of areas where potential barriers can be overcome.
Thank you, I found the course very informative.
Very Helpful
Good update
This was a very informative course
Very thought provoking.
Excellent course, really helped change my perspective on how the world needs to change to adapt and not so much the other way around
awareness for disability people
good to keep up to date and be aware
Very in depth and interesting to listen .
It was interesting to hear the speakers personal perspectives and own experiences and how they wish to see dentistry and society change the views of disabilities.
very interesting
Very informative thank you
Very informative & enlightening course, really enjoyed it.
A very informative and thought provoking webinar, nice to hear it from both patient and professional’s points of view as I think that Disability awareness often just focuses on the patients.
This was very good, and thought provoking.
Totally outstanding!The personal accounts spoken by individuals gave such depth, understanding and awareness which could not have been conveyed in any other way.The quote about inclusion depending on others perceptions, so right.Excellent. Thank you.
absolute brilliant webinar, brilliant to see disabilities in the eye of the beholder.
Really enjoyable , great variety of speakers and experiences
Interesting course
Good course.
Good course, a lot of information given in detail.
great to see clinical staff working with disabilities and how they cope
very useful course academically as well as personally.
Very informative learning the speakers were also very informed about their individual topics
good update
As a dental care professional providing care for a patient with disability is different as there maybe one or some barriers you may encounter but getting trained on how and what to do when caring for the patient is very important in understanding their specific needs .
I loved this session - lots of wonderful speakers - several things really hit home - very personal to me
It was enlightening to hear the true accounts of peoples ability to cope in their own lives within their employment
very informative and certainly thought provoking
Great course. Enjoyed hearing from a variety of speakers with plenty of different experiences.
loved it thankyou
really helped my knowledge on disability awareness
good refresher
great course to bring about disability awareness
Good video explaining different disabilities.
Very good course, it really made me think about disabilities and the impact they can have on patients and clinicians, thank you!
I found Dominic O Hooleys section very moving and personal - he should be commended for his transparency.
Enjoyed all talks and topics
It was very helpful course
really enjoyed this course and its contnet
Very nice video.
I found this course very engaging and interesting. I found the personal accounts very encouraging due to my own experiences.
It was a very interesting Video
An excellent insight into a variety of conditions, from individuals with personal experience and how we as a profession can reduce the barriers to access and treatment to those who may otherwise have difficulty of varying degrees.
i really enjoyed listening to the personal stories that were shared.
very informative from many different aspects and with multiple angles on disability. A real eye opener given that all the speakers have personal experience of the subject. Thank you.
Really interesting course. I have enjoyed it a lot.
Very useful information on disability and how people are affected by the way they are treated. Excellent examples of peoples experiences, how they feel and what can be improved for the now future to help.
Great range of speakers, very thought provoking, well done
Excellent so interesting listening to every ones points
It was a very good informative course.
was a great insight into dyabilities and dentistry
All personal stories were inspirational, especially Dominic O'Hooley. They gave a good insight and on a compassionate level.
Vert useful and informative
the course was full of informations supported by pictures which make it easier for understanding
Thus was brilliant. Thank you so much
Good and important and well-delivered
Very interesting course, raising awareness of Disabilities.
Wasn’t really sure what to expect but the range it covered, the personal insights from parents to clinicians was fantastic. Definitely made me think differently about how I interact with all my different pts and carry on in day to day life
Excelente, moving and enlightening .
A very informative video
brilliant course
very useful
Excellent course
I found this video very interesting. Having experienced a lot of what was talked about having a disabled husband, it is refreshing to hear the changes and awareness which seems to be improving, although the country has a very long way to go.
webinar was excellent
really insightful and helpful
very good course.
Opened my mind up to different ways I which to make things easier for patients and dental colleges with neurodiversity.
Amazing and such a privilege to hear personal stories and journeys.
very educative
Very inspirational speakers
Interesting and relevant
good video
Very interesting
Get speakers, were very honest and highlighted the challenges individuals face.
Great speakers
Very informative and thought provoking
very good course with good information.
Very informative, learnt a lot about disability awareness.
Extremely informative
Great to be able to learn various methods of dealing with people
Inspirational and very informative course
Excellent. Perfect mix of speakers. Really learnt a lot
Very helpful
Good advice and tips on inclusiveness
Very interesting with lots of points that are very thought provoking
Brilliant group of speakers. Inspiring a change in attitudes and approaches
Some really informative and moving personal stories
Very interesting and very informative.
really interesting course
I found this really interesting and informative.
Very informative.
good reminder and update on latest guidelines
Great and informative.
Absolutely essential CPD for those working both in dentistry and other professions.
Very interesting and learnt a lot.
well put together, easy to follow
Everyone should listen to this, because it needs to be heard
This was a very interesting course . I really enjoyed this . Highly recommend to all my dental colleagues .
Very well put together, very informative
Great knowledge
all learning objectives complete
Probably one of the bet webinars I have ever watched!!
Very interesting and I will change my language regarding disabled people.
excellent course
Very informative. I learnt a lot about the way language / photographic images are presented.the speakers were clear and interesting.
very informative
Very good course and makes you more aware of the different disabilities
ver informative & makes you think outside the box for us. anything that can help make a visit to an appointment easier is well worth looking at for the person involved & the family member.
Very useful
Amazing speakers especially relevant to me were the dyslexia/dysgraphia & autism ones. so interesting to hear their point of view as adults & how they view themselves.
Tjis wqas a good course, covering areas that I was previously unaware of.
Very interesting and informative
very useful to hear personal experiences
good to listen to
learnt about different types of autism
Very informative and lots of different perspectives on the subject
It was very good to see everyone's perspective of how they dealt with and how they were treated with their disability
Absolutely eye-opening to hear my colleagues' first-hand experiences with disability. I have so much more respect and this will help in my daily practice life definately.
Made you sit back and think what happens in other peoples lives.
Great to hear from so many people in the dental community who struggle day to day in their jobs.
I found it really informative
Very informative video.
Very informative
Very informative, well presented and interesting to know!
Very moving listening to the stories of those directly impacted within the profession.
You dont actually realise what some people are going through, Not all disabilities are visableI felt for Abbie the dental nurse who was hard of hearing, the dentist alot of time mumble and I find it hard to hear and understand them.;
Amazing detail, knowledge and information. A truly valuable course that i wish everyone had access to. Thankyou.
I have learned so much from this course and will be making sure my team will be supporting me to make the relevant improvements to our practice.
Very informative
Really good to hear personal experiences from a lot of dentists
Very good
a really good informative lecture well delivered.
Very Informative
interesting course delivered well
Very detailed
Was particularly impressed with Dominic's explanation of Autisms , his openess of this disability and was empowering , and very moving , as we know you cant always see everyone's disability
This course was really informative
Really helpful information and perspectives
Good course, but longer than necessary
Very good course
It was such an informative course really enjoyed it
Speakers delivered information well and in good order.
Really inspiring . A very good way to get messages across . Thank you
good information about language and daily difficulties people face and simple tips we can do to help make things easier
excellent webinar. i got quite emotional listening to some talks as i can see how upset and painful life has been for some, where they have had to deal with life experiences in different ways knowing, that there was something not quite right with them. so glad they found some resolution partly due to a diagnosis and learning coping mechanisms and moving forward.
Very informative
Very good
Such a brilliant course, thank you for putting this on! It was a real eye opener and i was quite moved by some of the speakers and how brave and open they were in sharing their stories and experiences..
Amazing and inspiring stories
Fantastic course easy to understand all the speaker
very informative
very interesting content
some very interesting information, personal experiences of the speakers which really made this a very good webinar. makes me think in a diifferent way
Very interesting video.
Good selection of presenters.
This was a brilliant webinar and the stories about Dental Professional person difficulties was engaging and inspiring. Their stories will help me to relate to people with disabilities and learning difficulties and help me to be more open minded in the way I approach people with different personality traits which might or might not be due to a learning difficulty. The selection of case stories was wonderful. It was one of the best webinars of this type that I have watched.
Very informative I have learnt a lot about attitude, understanding.Ability not disabilityAsk for feedback How to improve our practice by the people that know best.Do it because it is the right thing to do
Very informative
very informative,
Very interesting and informative
Very useful information
Loved this course. Many courses I have completed, I have found my mind wondering at some point during the presentation, but not on this occasion. I really enjoyed hearing everyones own experiences.
It was good because it made me aware of considerations that are often unconsciously ignored.
This is probably the best webinar i've watched in a very long time.It addressed all levels of disabilities, was open, honest and at times extremely emotional.Thank you to each and everyone of of you that contributed and to Rob and Ian for hosting.
This was the best CPD i have completed all year. I found it very moving and it definitely struck a cord with me as i struggle with my hearing and could relate to the nurse in the webinar.I will not only use this as a positive to myself but also a learning tool for helping others.
well organised course
very good information lots of guidance and relavance.
really touched by the personal examples and stories, great to get these examples out there and normalise especially in professional rolls
I’ve learned so much and felt so much too
Thank you to everyone who shared their personal experiences. I will take away a lot from this and hopefully become a better dentist to my patients with disabilities.
Very good content
Very interesting subject.
great course, very informative video
very informative and interesting with lots of applicable situations
Very good insights to personal experiences
added to addtional knowledge
I was really engrossed and moved by Dominic!has given me a lot to think about, including the correct language to use, and the diverse difficulties for individuals.
Wow - brilliant - some really honest and open opinions and difficulties surrounding individual disabilities. Real food for thought.
excellentmore deeper and video helps more in depth
Very emotional and powerful stories
Very helpful and informative
Brilliant talks
Absolutely amazing, Dom made me cry
Great presentations.
very informative and well presented. Thank you
Very informative and beautiful inspirational stories with lots of motivation.
Such a fantastic and inspiring course. Thank you
great content
Really interesting to hear various opinions and perspectives on disabilities.
The Best Webinar I have ever watched,Amazingly Inspirational. It should be shown in all schools, colleges, Universities and workplaces.
Thoroughly enjoyed the speakers and their real life stories.
really good course i really enjoyed it
very interesting
Very informative.Disabilities can be hidden. There is so much help out there. People with disabilities can still carry on with normal jobs and we should not forget this, however we must try and help them to make things easier for them where we can.Hearing so many real life stories was very interesting to see how lifes ups and downs have been for people with disabilities and what they have found helpful.
Absolutely brilliant webinar. It was enlightening to hear real peoples stories about their struggles with disabilities and how they were helped.
Very moving stories indeed. Invisible disability is far more common than people think, and often the reactions of others to what is perceived as awkwardness, rudeness, tiredness, etc mayhems well be the manifestation of something that is far more challenging to deal with. Congratulations to all of those who took part.
Found this course amazing and informative and would love more like this !