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CPD Approx. 1:45 Hours

P374 Minimum Intervention Oral Care (MIOC) - Making Caries Prevention Pay in Primary Care

Speaker:Prof. Avijit Banerjee

  • About This Course

This recorded webinar, in collaboration with The College of General Dentistry, will discuss the implementation of minimum intervention oral care (MIOC) delivery for modern dental caries management in primary care. It will give an overview of the interlinked clinical domains of MIOC, focusing on prevention and using the oral healthcare team workforce, to deliver better oral health.


The aim of this recorded webinar is to increase awareness, knowledge and the clinical implementation of minimum intervention oral care (MIOC) delivery for modern dental caries management in primary care.


During this webinar learners will be able to:

• Describe the minimum intervention oral care (MIOC) framework for delivering better oral health/dental caries management in primary care
• Outline and discuss personalised care plans & phased courses of treatment for caries management in high needs/susceptibility patients
• Map potential UDA allocations for contemporary caries prevention and management.

Learning Outcomes

After completing this webinar the learner will gain an understanding of:

  • The clinical implementation of minimum intervention oral care (MIOC) delivery for modern dental caries management in primary care
  • Personalised care plans & phased courses of treatment for caries management in high needs/susceptibility patients
  • Potential UDA allocations for contemporary caries prevention and management

GDC Development Outcomes