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CPD Approx. 1:00 Hours

P378 Indemnity or Insurance: What Does it All Mean?

Speaker: Prateek Akhoury BDS

  • About This Course

This recorded webinar is designed to inform dentists and DCPs about the regulatory requirements for appropriate indemnity or insurance. Delegates will learn about the new types of insurance products available in the market and how they differ from traditional indemnities. Particular emphasis will be placed on the importance of DCPs having appropriate coverage, and on how both DCPs and dentists can ensure that their coverage is suitable and fit for purpose. Additionally, the webinar will include jargon-busting, especially concerning the various terms used with the newer insurance products.


To increase awareness of different types of indemnity/insurance products available. 


  • Identify the requirement of appropriate indemnity/insurance cover for both dentists and DCPs. 
  • Recognise the differences between traditional indemnity and insurance products. 
  • Understanding various terminology utilised by the insurance companies. 

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this recorded webinar delegates should be able to understand the differences and limitations of different insurance and indemnity products available on the market and able to identify how to ensure appropriate and comprehensive cover can be obtained according to their individual needs. 

GDC Development Outcomes