P081 Human Factors

of verifiable CPD
This recorded webinar shares knowledge from aviation, medicine, dentistry and delivers relevant tips for dental practice, ...
Consultant Surgeon
Tim qualified from St Bartholomews Hospital. He undertook registrar training in the Wessex region and specialist fellowship at the Royal Adelaide Hospital. He has been a consultant since 2009 with a trauma and arthroplasty practice in a busy district general hospital. His interest in patient safety and how it can be influenced stems from experience in governance. This has been focused with learning from experts within High Reliability Organisations and mentoring from Peter and John. He strives to apply human factors principles in everyday clinical practice. Understanding the challenges that face healthcare professionals at, “the frontline” facilitates this. His enjoyment from teaching in this field has been reflected in the team’s feedback. He has mentored trainee doctors undertaking safety projects which have been presented at the IHI/BMJ quality improvement and patient safety conference. He is a member of the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors and has recently joined the faculty for the Non-Technical Skills for Surgeons (NOTSS) course.