P133 How to Get the Best From Your Career in Denti...

of verifiable CPD
Not sure where to go next in your career? Not sure which courses to take? Not sure what opportunities are available to you...
Specialist in Special Care Dentistry
Dr Archana Prasad Qualified in dentistry 1992. Obtained fellowship from Royal College of Surgeons in Oral Medicine and Oral Surgery.
Later completed membership from Royal college of Surgeons In General Dentistry. Since completion of degree has been extremely involved in oral and Maxilla-facial surgery and Special Care Dentistry.
She is registered specialist in Special Care Dentistry.
Dr Prasad was full time consultant in Special Care Dentistry in Lancashire Teaching Hospital which involved teaching and managing challenging cases under inhalation sedation, intravenous sedation and general anaesthesia, she left full time consultant post to run her own Dental practice and part time consultant position at Salford NHS Hospital.
Dr Prasad is passionate about integrating Special Care Dentistry, which is non glamorous speciality into high street practice, proving that it can still be rewarding financially and professionally, also giving out message that Special Care Dentistry is not only for community and hospital based speciality it can be persuaded in General high street practice too.