P197 Orthodontic Assessment for GDPs

of verifiable CPD
This recorded webinar, in collaboration with the British Orthodontic Society and presented by Dr Nadia Ahmed, provide...
Consultant Orthodontist and Specialist Orthodontist
Since completing Dental School in 2007, Nadia has shown her passion for learning and developing new skills as she embarked on her path to specialise. She gained experience in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Oral Medicine, Radiology and Paediatric Dentistry in the early part of her hospital career. The journey to becoming a Specialist and Consultant Orthodontist took Nadia across the Midlands and Yorkshire, gaining a wide range of experience in various hospitals, which shaped her training experience.
Nadia carried out her specialist training in Leeds and gained the Membership in Orthodontics from the Royal College of Surgeons England in 2016, alongside undertaking research in auto transplantation of teeth. Nadia passed her MSc with Merit from the University of Leeds.
Since 2016, she has built her experience in specialist Orthodontic practice. Further training in Birmingham Dental Hospital to become a Consultant, led to the Fellowship in Orthodontics. During this final part of training, she enjoyed treating patients needing multidisciplinary treatment and in particular Orthognathic surgery and hypodontia (missing teeth), as well as regularly attending Birmingham’s Children’s’ Hospital to attend cleft clinics with the multidisciplinary team in one of four craniofacial units in the UK.
Nadia has completed a postgrad certificate in dental education and has a passion for teaching. She has been involved in several orthodontic books for postgraduates.
Nadia holds several positions of responsibility including Chair of the British Dental Association Central Committee for Hospital Dental Services and Honorary Secretary to the British Orthodontic Society Specialists’ Group.