P106 Reducing Health Inequalities

of verifiable CPD
Why is there inequality? Where is there inequality? How can we change this? When can ...
Dr Claire Stevens CBE, Consultant in Paediatric Dentistry, BDS (Bristol), MFDS RCS Ed, M Paed Dent RCPS, MPhil (Newcastle), FDS (Paed Dent) RCS Ed.
Claire graduated from Bristol Dental Hospital in 2000 and worked as a General Professional Trainee in Newcastle Dental Hospital between 2000 – 2002, followed by a year as an associate and as an Honorary Clinical Fellow. She has also completed short placements in Dental Public Health and the Community Dental Services before commencing Specialist Training in 2003. Claire had a brief placement in Adelaide Children’s Hospital as a Senior Registrar before returning to the UK to complete higher level training and an MPhil in dental erosion.
She was appointed as a Consultant in June 2009. She developed the Adolescent Intravenous Sedation Service.
Claire is media spokesperson for and Past President of the British Society of Paediatric Dentistry, an organisation which aims to improve oral health in children and encourages the highest standards of clinical care. Claire Chairs the Greater Manchester Paediatric Dentistry Managed Clinical Network. She also writes toothfairyblog.org which aims to provide pragmatic, evidence-based information for parents on children’s oral health and is an advisor to Brush DJ.
Claire was appointed CBE in the 2019 New Year’s Honours List for Services to Children.