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CPD Approx. 0:45 Minutes

P370 Anterior Composite Tips and Tricks

Speaker: Josh Sharpling

  • About This Course

This recorded webinar is designed to equip dental professionals with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in anterior restorations. Participants will learn how to avoid common pitfalls and address challenges specific to anterior composite procedures. Emphasis will be placed on universally applicable tips, ensuring that dental professionals of all experience levels can enhance their skills and improve patient satisfaction with anterior restorations.


To increase confidence and proficiency in providing anterior composite restorations.


  • Identify and discuss common pitfalls in anterior composite restorations.
  • Implement universally applicable tips to make composite restorations more predictable.
  • Analyse and discuss case studies of anterior composite procedures to understand best practices and successful outcomes.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Recognise and avoid common mistakes in anterior composite restorations.
  • Apply practical tips to enhance the predictability and quality of anterior composite procedures.
  • Demonstrate improved skill and confidence in performing anterior composite restorations.
  • Critically evaluate case studies and incorporate lessons learned into their practice to improve patient satisfaction.

GDC Development Outcomes